Yesterday I added a page on Cooking with CFS. Later I realized that I didn’t mention how tools & equipment can simplify cooking. Of course this is probably because I don’t have much fancy equipment (bread machine, stand mixer—mine broke trying to knead GF Bread Dough) and what I do have (food processor, mini-choppers, blender) I often don’t use because all those parts add more cleanup time . . .
But this morning I made some Carrot Ginger Soup and realized (given that everything gets puréed at the end) I could slice/shred all the veggies in the food processor and reduce my prep time. It worked pretty well. In fact, shredding the potatoes (I used one red and one sweet potato this time) also reduced the purée time at the end . . . so a double time/energy saver!
In addition, this recipe uses my favorite little ginger grater:
AND my immersion blender:
So always remember to use your tools!
© 2012, Highly Sensitive Girl